173 Illegitimates

AuthorRalph Hone





[13th June 1932.] [Commencement 1st November 1932.] 1. This Act may be cited as The Illegitimates, Short title.


  1. A single woman with child, or who has been Appliationfo delivered of an illegitimate child, may- summons.

    (a) either before the birth, or at any time within twelve months after the birth of such child;

    or (b) at any time thereafter, upon proof that the alleged father of such child has, within twelve months next after the child's birth, paid money for or towards its maintenance; or (c) at any time within three months next after the return to the Colony of the alleged father of such child, upon proof that he ceased to reside in the Colony within twelve months next after the birth of the child, apply to the magistrate in the place where she resides for a summons to be served on the alleged father, and, if the application is made before the birth of the child the mother shall make a deposition on oath stating who is the father of the child, and the magistrate may thereupon issue his summons to the alleged father to appear before him on some day to be named in such summons.

  2. -(1) After the child's birth, on the appearance Affiliation of the person so summoned, or on proof of the personal proceedings.

    service of the summons on such person, the magistrate shall hear the evidence of the mother and such other evidence as she may produce, and also any evidence tendered by or on behalf of the alleged father.

    4 of 1953, s. 2.

    (2) If the mother's evidence be corroborated in some material particular by two or more witnesses, or by a witness and other material and independent circumstances, the magistrate may adjudge the man to be the putative father of the child, and may, if he sees fit, having regard to the circumstance of the case, make an order on the putative father for payment to the mother or to any person he may appoint to have the custody of the child under this Act, of a sum of money not exceeding three pounds weekly for the maintenance and education of the child and the costs of the order, and also of the expenses incidental to the birth of the child, not exceeding ten pounds; and, if the child die before the order, the reasonable expenses incurred for its funeral.

    (3) If this application be made before the child's birth or within two months thereafter the weekly sum may be calculated from the...

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