191 Newspaper Surety

AuthorRalph Hone




43 of 1964.

BY NEWSPAPERS. 43 of 1964.

[21st February 1938.] 1. This Act may be cited as The Newspaper Short title.

Surety Act.

  1. In this Act, unless - the context otherwise Interpretation.

    requires'company' means a company incorporated under and subject to the provisions of The Con- Ch. 184.

    panies Act, or any Act amending the same;

    'licensing authority' means the licensing authority constituted under The Liquor Licences Act; Ch. 291.

    'newspaper' means any paper containing public news, intelligence, or occurrences, or any remarks, observations, or comments in relation to such news, intelligence, or occurrences printed and published in the Colony, but shall not include the official Gazette.

  2. -(1) From and after the coming into operation Bond of this Act no person or company shall print or publish required.

    or cause to be printed or published within the Colony any newspaper unless he or the company shall have previously given and executed and registered in the office of the Registrar General under The Registration Ch. 193.

    of Records Act, a bond in the sum of one hundred pounds with one or more sureties as may be required and approved by the licensing authority, binding the proprietor, printer, or publisher of the said newspaper to pay to Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors every money penalty which may at any time be imposed upon or adjudged against him or them upon any conviction for printing or publishing in the said newspaper any blasphemous or seditious or other libel at any time after the execution of such bond, and also any damages and costs on any judgment for the plaintiff in any action for libel against such printer, publisher or proprietor in respect of any libel printed or published in the said newspaper after the execution of such bond, and all other penalties whatsoever which may be imposed upon or adjudged by the court against him or them under the provisions of this Act in respect of any matter or thing done or omitted by him or them after the execution of such bond:

    Provided that not more than one bond in this behalf shall be required in respect of the same newspaper.

    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section it shall be lawful for the licensing authority to accept in lieu of such bond, security in such other form as the licensing authority may approve for the payment of any such damages, costs...

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